
I didn’t get here because everything went well! My journey started as an “overweight” 13-year-old who tried every fad diet, you name it, I tried it all to be "skinny". I suffered from digestive issues, low energy, brain fog, hormonal problems, and extreme fatigue, but I was thin, and thin is healthy, right?

My idea of great health was that being skinny made me healthy, but I just didn't feel good and didn't know why or what to do about it. I started to search for answers when I became a mother and actively searched for proper nutrition, for myself and my children. Desperate, I started to seek nutrition advice from "experts" including Dr. Google and every blog I could find! The advice was all over the place and some just seemed too good to be true. Nutrition couldn’t be this hard! There were so many diets it was exhausting and confusing. I was doing everything “right” but I still felt horrible.

Then my oldest son was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. It shattered my world. How could I let this happen? More importantly, how could I help him?

My journey has taught me that our food choices are not just a battle of willpower, good vs. bad, and healthy vs unhealthy, but a conglomeration of a whole host of things, some we can control and some we can't. Eating doesn't have to be scary, or confusing, and being skinny doesn't mean being healthy. Our health isn’t just what we eat, but how we treat our body and deal with our stress. We keep failing because we are trying a one size fits all approach and we are all unique. Suddenly, I could be free from the never-ending diet cycle and self-judgment and doubt.

I felt compelled to share my knowledge with others. So, I went back to school to obtain my Master of Science in Human Nutrition and fulfill my dream of opening my practice. I am so honored to be able to give back to the community I live in and to help others make good health a habit. Kick the diet cycle to the curb once and for all!

Laura Roughton, MS

Laura Roughton, the owner of Revive Functional Nutrition, has a graduate degree in Human Nutrition and is working towards being board certified as a clinical nutritionist. She is a member of the International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists. She attends many conferences and seminars annually to stay up-to-date on current science-based research that affects the human body or nutrition. Her experience includes three years as a patient advocate in a high-volume nutrition and wellness center where she assisted practitioners in client rooms and three more years as a sale representative for a wholefood and herbal supplement company, where she traveled the country to learn about nutrition and then taught it to over 250 practitioners.


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