5 Things to help you avoid overeating at family get-togethers like Thanksgiving

  1. Eat breakfast.

    Don’t skip breakfast or lunch so you have more room for dinner. This will make you even hungrier. The hungrier we are the more we tend to eat. The hunger monster also tends to eat whatever it can find so your chance of making a less than idea choice skyrockets.

  2. Slow Down.

    Thanksgiving is all about being together so extend that time. It takes hours to cook dinner, don’t finish eating it in 20 minutes. Instead take the time to savor each bite. Try setting your fork down between bites.

  3. Beware of the Graze.

    Walking by the appetizer table, grabbing something as you walk by the stove, or treats on the table will get every time. To properly digest food we need to be in a parasympathetic state “rest and digest”. When you are grazing your body isn't in the correct state to digest food. So not only do you have a hard time recognizing the quantity of food you are eating, you are not properly digesting it.

  4. Focus on drinking water over alcohol.

    Enjoying a cocktail can be part of a get-together. And that is Ok. However, make sure you drink enough water so you don’t get dehydrated and water doesn’t add calories or inhibitions like alcohol.

  5. Get your move on.

    There is a lot of sitting that happens on holidays, but try to get some movement in. Throw a football, hit the local park, play games, play with your pets or dogs. A little movement will help you feel better.

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